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No widzicie, bo oficjalnie nikt się tym nie "pochwali", trzeba grzebać, więc:

"new "E" diaphragm lenses will not work on the D1 or D2 series, D100, D200, D90, D80, D70 series, D60, D50, D40 series, or the D3000, and will not work on any 35mm camera. The diaphragm will stay wide-open, which may or may not be a problem for you. In the case of tele lenses like the 200-500mm f/5.6E, this isn't much of a problem because we usually shoot long lenses wide-open, in which case the E lenses are compatible with everything. If you don't mind shooting wide-open; even on a 1959 Nikon F you can focus manually and shoot wide open except if it's an AF-P lens"
Dlatego zamiast pisać "starsze" korpusy lepiej nie wprowadzać w błąd i pisać precyzyjniej- wybrane korpusy. Bo są starsze od tych wymienionych gdzie obiektywy E pracują bez problemu.